Setting the Foundation for your Academic Future.


At the RINK Hockey Academy, education is approached with a comprehensive vision that extends far beyond the confines of traditional learning. The curriculum is designed to cultivate critical thinking, collaboration, perseverance, and communication skills within the framework of traditional subject areas. Students are active participants in their own intellectual growth, encouraged to question, analyze, and engage deeply with the material. Through dynamic teaching methods and interactive learning experiences, the academy fosters a culture of inquiry and exploration, empowering students to become lifelong learners equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Central to RHA’s educational philosophy is the recognition that academic success is intrinsically linked to personal development and athletic achievement. With this in mind, the curriculum is tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of each student-athlete, providing a supportive learning track that accommodates a range of abilities and interests. Whether pursuing core subjects to build a solid foundation, challenging themselves with honors courses, or delving into the rigor of Advanced Placement (AP) classes, students have the flexibility to chart their own academic path while balancing the demands of their athletic training.


Min. GPA Required to Play


With 4.0 in 23/24


Avg. GPA of RHA Student-Athlete

George Elliot Secondary School

RINK works primarily with George Elliot Secondary School in School District #23 (Central Okanagan Public Schools) for the education component of the RINK Hockey Academy.

George Elliot Secondary School is driven to the meet the need of our athletes, the B.C curriculum focusses on personalized learning opportunities based on a “Know-Do-Understand” model to support a concept-based competency-driven approach to learning for students.

George Elliot Secondary School has a proven track record of providing flexible and enriching academic programming for our high caliber hockey players. RINK is proud to work with GESS as we know they have our athletes best interest and will help them achieve their goals.

H.S. Grenda Middle School

Ecole H.S Grenda Middle is the sister school of George Elliot Secondary School. RHA student-athletes up to grade 8 are enrolled here.

Ecole H.S Grenda is in its second year of operation in the Central Okanagan Public Schools. Ecole H.S Grenda offers athletes the opportunity to engage in curricular outcomes and support to meet the educational requirements set out by the Ministry of Education in British Columbia.

RINK is excited to work with Ecole H.S. Grenda and trust that they provide an educational experience that focuses on building strong communities, cultivating curious leaders while igniting passion in our RINK Hockey Academy athletes.